Lush’s Cupcake Face Mask

Wow! I have never smelt such an amazingly, delicious face mask. The chocolaty aroma even got my dogs trying to lick my face!!

Lush says: “Chocolate heaven for oily and teenage skin. Its action removes excess oil and calms breakouts. Rhassoul mud cleans and soothes, linseed, cocoa butter and cocoa powder soften the skin. Balancing peppermint, spearmint and sandalwood oils complete this effective and delicious experience. Apply to clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave for five to ten minutes, and then rinse away with warm water.”


I can without a doubt say that this product does indeed do what it promotes, my skin feels wonderfully smooth and soft after use. As a person who has acne-prone skin, I often worry that trying new products will irritate my skin and cause breakouts, this product seemed to do the exact opposite though. Not only does it calm any breakouts that I may be experiencing it also clears any blackheads and redness. It brightens up my face which is definitely a contributing factor to making this my favourite facial mask.


My only concern with this product, would be that the pot has a used by date, which is a month after the production. I use the mask 2 sometimes 3 times a week and I know by the time that the month is over I will still have product left. The pot contains 75g of product, which may seem like a small amount, the beauty of this product is that a small amount does go a long way.

This product retails at R145.00 and is so worth every last penny, or should I say rand.

Has anyone else tried this product? Did you enjoy it as much as I did?



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